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Blaze Forsby

Photographer, writer, and tour guide

Holiday Shopping in Barcelona: Christmas

Where to buy Christmas presents

About this guide

Though not the most obvious choice for winter holidays, Barcelona around Christmas is a pure delight. You get mild weather with lots of sun, streets lit with millions of lights, Christmas trees, rowdy carolers, and hundreds of Santas parading through the streets on motorcycles. It is also a chance to explore (or maybe even become a part of) all the peculiar Catalan Christmas traditions. This list will introduce you to some of these delightfully odd customs. Plus, you will get tips on where to buy some artisanal presents to share the Catalan Christmas spirit with your loved ones.

Christams Fairs

The first place you should go to get acquainted with Catalan holiday traditions is Barcelona’s Christmas fairs. They offer a great opportunity to buy some truly unique artisanal gifts!

Here, you can find a rich assortment of bizarre Catalan Christmas characters. The first of them is Tió de Nadal. It is the famous log that poops out presents. Instead of waiting for Santa to arrive, on Christmas Eve, little Catalans beat tió with a stick singing a song and ordering him to shit the gifts.

Next are the merry caganers, the figurines of pooping men. Traditionally, they are a part of nativity scenes. However, these days they do caganers as various celebrities - from Donald Trump to the Pope. It is a humble reminder that we’re all human, and even the most famous of us have to poop.

Finally, you can buy some of the more conventional ‘pessebre’ figures. Pessebre: that is how Catalans call the nativity scenes. In Barcelona they are usually very elaborate and placed by the Christmas tree. A handmade figurine will be a beautiful souvenir or memorable present.

The fairs are also a place to get your Christmas tree, festive wreaths and decorations, artisanal toys and jewelry, ceramics, and artwork. Plus, it is a place to delight yourself with a variety of sweets, like the traditional nougat known as torró (turron). Other treats include wafer sticks called ‘neules,’ small delicious ‘panellets’ (small marzipan cookies), and ‘cocas’ (sweet bread with nuts and candied fruit). And don’t forget to buy the delicious Roscón de Reis – a cake in the shape of a crown, which is known as a traditional Three Kings’ Day dessert!

Christams Fairs

Fira de Santa Llúcia

🎄 Large fair by the Barcelona Cathedral
Blaze Forsby

Blaze Forsby

The oldest and most popular Barcelona Christmas market dates back to 1786. It has over 200 stalls selling Christmas trees and traditional decorations (but no food, alas!). It is open from November 23rd to December 23rd.

Fira de Nadal a la Sagrada Família

🎁 Holiday market by the Sagrada Familia
C/ de Mallorca, 401

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