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This place allows you to grasp the city as a whole. It offers a 360-degree view. You see such emblematic places as the Sagrada Familia, the Mapfre Towers, Tibidabo and the Parc de la Ciutadella. The place is usually called the Bunkers thought there have never been any bunkers. Located at the top of Turó de la Rovira, it was once antiaircraft warfare which used to protect the city in the times of the Spanish Civil War. The abandoned atmosphere of the place makes it a very special location for a romantic date! It is about 25-minute walk from Alfons X station.

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This location is a must for all locals and travelers exploring the city. A viewpoint with spectacular views near the famous Park Güell. The ideal plan is to prepare a picnic and watch as the Barcelona sky turns pink. However, you'll need to go early as it's a quite popular spot.

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