Lance & Dua Pinson
Tengo Alma Viajera

Sergio, Lance & Dua Pinson , Tengo Alma Viajera

Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey

Monastery Open now

Advisors recommend

The Benedictine monastery was founded on the Monserrat Mountain back in the 11th century. However, the ancient building was almost completely destroyed by Napoleon’s troops. But you will still be able to see some bits of medieval art, like a peaceful cloister next to the main façade or sepulchers of Catalan royalty. The modern abbey dates to the 19th-20th century. It has beautiful architecture and intricate mosaics. With the Virgin of Montserrat being a patron of Catalonia, this place has always had a special significance for Catalan people. That is why the construction of the abbey was truly a national project. Most of the art adorning the basilica was donated by different Catalan cities and societies (for example, by FC Barcelona). The entrance to the basilica is free of charge.

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Desconocido, 1, 08199 Barcelona, Spain

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